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Hello, Everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve added something new to Amy’s Favorites. I have missed it! What have I been up to? Well, working, dancing, and now, social distancing, like everyone else. With the recent call for masks for healthcare workers, I’ve been going through my supplies and sewing up what I can….
July begins with a big holiday, gatherings and decorations a’plenty. If you’re having a party, or just want to participate in the patriotic fun, head to your local discount store for flags, ribbon, and a myriad of other possible items. Don’t forget to pick up a storage container to save the decorations for next year….
Transform your own backyard into an arena of summer fun competition – try croquet. That’s right, croquet. It’s the game you played once in your Aunt Judy’s backyard that reminded you of miniature golf. You may even have a set of wooden mallets and colored balls in your garage, aching to be used. Why not…
Whoopie Pies, a.k.a. Gobs, are made from two chocolaty cake-like cookies, filled with fluffy frosting. They’re sweet, freeze well, and are difficult to pass up. Supposedly they originated among the Amish, who had extra cake batter and frosting to use. Whoopie Pies are well-known throughout the Pennsylvania Dutch region and in New England. You can…
The Olympics are here again, starting in just a couple of weeks in Brazil. Over 2700 years ago, athletes gathered to challenge each other and pay honor to Zeus, king of the Greek gods. The Summer Olympics of 2004 returned to their native land. The spirit of the games lived on in the skillful…
Prepare a bed of lettuce, chop up some fresh vegetables, top with grilled chicken or fish, drizzle with dressing and – voila! You have just created a main course salad. Check out the menu of most any local restaurant and you will see several items as described above, especially as summer approaches. To cool things…
It may be traditional to dye eggs for this Easter, but with some paper, glue, and a little time, you can create beautiful eggs that will last for years to come. Materials: fresh eggs stick pins or push pins colored paper paper hole-punch glue toothpicks 1. Poke holes in top and bottom of an egg,…
When life gives you hardboiled eggs, “devil” them! Deviled eggs are always a big hit. Most people like them, but don’t take the time to prepare them. Plus they don’t know the secret for the smooth, creamy filling. Read on to find out for yourself.
I frequent Panera Bread and they recently switched up their menu items, including a few of their cookies (still missing the original Chocolate Duet – bring it back, please!) While the new “gluten-conscious” chocolate cookie is just okay, I do like their version of a Monster Cookie, so I decided to make my own. It’s…
It’s snowing! Here in Virginia the snow has been falling fairly consistently for about 24 hours, which is a BIG deal. The only cars on the road have been heavy trucks and the occasional plow. What to do on a snowy day? Make cinnamon rolls, I say! And if the power goes out while they’re…